Thursday 8 November 2012

I am the joy!

I stared and stared

Watching you slip past me

Flowing silently,

taking all that meant to me with you

I stared at the colours

I stared at the spirit

I stared at the vibrance that was once me

I saw the rainbow…. The pot of gold… et al
Mystified….. Where was I left behind..
Did I miss a sign, a turn, a path…

I stared …
At the colours being washed away from my memories
Puzzled at how strained it is to remember…
I stared at the joy …. Looking at my face
That was once me…

I was the flow that carried the colours…
I was the joy that carried the vibrance…
I was the life that carried the spirit…
I stared at the peak then and the clouds with the silver lining…
I stare at the path now and the limits and the boundaries…
I look at me ….
I see the joy, the colours, the vibrance

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