Wednesday 8 April 2015

Flying high

Do you wake up and ever feel like a kite..
Ever so lightly flying up in the clear blue sky..
Soaring and soaring into the infinite high
And then you feel the pull and the lull
Comes from the thread that’s holding you..
A tug here, a tug there nudging you
Telling you where to go, where not to
You soar higher, trying to break free…
You feel the stretch, the tension, the edge of breaking free
And then you are tugged back again
You fall in line and you soar higher and higher into the clear blue sky
There is that tug again and you stretch with all your might
You hear the snap and then feel the space
You float endlessly with the wind
Where the wind carried you
And you notice, you are not soaring anymore
You are lower and lower and you feel for that familiar tug and the pull
Wishing for it to hold you up..
Alas, the tug, the pull, it was holding you up and not holding you down..

Letting you soar into the infinite blue sky…
Do you wake up and ever feel like a kite?